General Information

Dr. Frederick L. Hamilton, CEcD/EDFP

Mr. Bertram O. Young
The Jefferson County Department of Community Services is responsible for the administration of federal and state grant programs that enhance the quality of life for all the citizens of Jefferson County. Since 2010, the Department has administered approximately $200 million in grant programs. These grant programs are as follows:
- Jefferson County HUD Entitlement Program
- Community Development Block Grant or CDBG (Housing Rehabilitation and Non-Housing programs)
- Emergency Solution Grants or ESG
- HOME (Affordable Housing)
- Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) 1 and 2
- EDA/CDBG Revolving Loan Program
- DOJ and SAMSHA Programs
- Senior Services
The Department’s Senior Services program provides an array of services to the senior citizens of Jefferson County. The program administers the operating contracts to senior centers in the County and the ClasTran senior citizens transport contract. In addition, the program also provides a wide variety of educational awareness programs, geriatric case management services, memory screenings, and incontinence supplies and fan distribution to those in need.
The mission statement for Community Services is to enhance the quality of life of communities and create economic opportunities for all the citizens of Jefferson County.
The vision for the Department is to administer state and federal programs in compliance with the regulations and to provide an array of services that enhance the quality of life for the citizens of Jefferson County.
Core Values
The core values of the Department are integrity, ethical behavior, respect, drive, and innovation.
Appointing Authority
Daren Lanier, Deputy County Manager
Commissioner Sheila Tyson, Community Services Liaison
Jefferson County Department of Community Services
Suite A-430
716 Richard Arrington Jr., Blvd North
Birmingham, AL 35203
Phone: (205) 325-5761
Fax: (205) 325-5095